
What We Do

Employer Representation

  • GEO liasions directly with the State and Central Governments on Labour, ESI and EPF matters. GEO is also represented on Advisory Committees of Central and State bodies dealing with labour matters and social security schemes.

Legal Legislation

  • GEO has a well established governing body comprising of elected members, co-opted members and special invitees which keep track and do a close scrutiny of Government proposals for new legislation in industrial and labour matters providing vital inputs to the various government departments, raising issues & concerns.

White Papers

  • GEO organises Round Tables which involve Domain Experts to discuss various issues of the industry, new legislation and evolve white papers to make representations to the Government offering constructive suggestions to make proposed measures workable and practical for employers.

National/International Affiliations

  • GEO co-ordinates with local employers' bodies and is also affiliated to the national and international bodies to get board based networking. Its representation on apex bodies helps build a vital two way communication between these bodies and the members providing vital inputs & representations to the stakeholders.

Bi/Tri-partite Meetings

  • GEO is instrumental in helping maintaining cordial industrial relations amongst all stakeholders and organises with/without moderation bi/tri-partite meetings of all the stakeholders, that is, Government, Employers & Employees.

Prime Minister Shram Award

  • GEO acts as the nodal agency for the prestigious National Prime Ministers Shram Awards for all industries for the state of Gujarat. These annual National Awards are instituted to recognize outstanding contribution made by workmen, to have distinguished record for performance, devotion to duty of high order, specific contribution in the field of productivity, proven innovative abilities, presence of mind and exceptional courage of workmen who have made supreme sacrifices for conscious discharge of their duties.